Beta Print and Play
v0.96 Posted: 1/6/2020
v0.98 Posted: 3/31/2020
v0.99 Posted: 10/21/2020
v0.999 Posted: 9/2/2021
As we work toward launching our Kickstarter campaign for One Deck
Galaxy, we've prepared a Print and Play of our current beta
testing files. Feel free to take a peek at them, or even print and
play them if you have the ability to do so. We love feedback, and
you can reach us at
@AsmadiGames on
Twitter, or simply post on the BGG forums for One Deck Galaxy.
v0.999 note: The back portion of the rulebook, with
detailed Adversary and 4-Player explanations is not in place yet.
We're working on those sections now!
Change Log (v0.999)
Goals: Tweaks, Science, Variety!
1) Science Upgrade
One of the very first design ideas
for ODG was to have Science and Fleets available by spending dice
that weren't necessarily useful to fill in boxes on cards. Two
additional currencies that could be spent for progress, tech use,
etc. They felt a little too similar though, and finally an idea
emerged for how to differentiate the two! Instead of two sides of
the starbase both featuring rows with restrictions, the science side
now is a catch-all receptacle for dice, with options on how to spend
Science is now always represented by face-up cards, showing
the science value in the top-right. Science can now come from probes
(random card from top of deck, 2-4 science), or study (chosen
Location from in play). It also cleans up the previously clunky
Study row, which was sometimes useful/sometimes not. Dice in the
Research Lab can always be used for something, and that's good!
2) Adversary Events
With more time and playtesting, the
Adversary Events are much more differentiated in ways that tie them
more strongly into their theme. The Hungry Nebula starts with all
five events in play, and they're slowly removed (reducing your
options!). The Neeble-Woobers' events become colonies for their
card, and so forth. More variation, more good!
3) Non-identical Card Pairs
As with One Deck Dungeon,
the main deck is made up of pairs of cards (ex: two Ogres in the ODD
deck, two Twenso in the ODG deck). In ODD, while the skills/items
vary, the boxes are identical. We've adjusted the cards in Galaxy to
be slightly different numbers, while conveying the same concept.
This adds a bit of variety to the deck, which is especially useful
in 4-player games.
4) Rules Clarity
Lots of changes in the rulebook to
update things for clarity, more diagrams, more examples, which we
hope leads to easier understanding of the game for new players! One
of our biggest goals for ODG is to make getting into the game
reasonable. It's got complexity, but we want you to play and enjoy
it as quickly as possible.
Change Log (v0.99)
Goals: Streamline and Simplify!
1) Dice Stay On Cards until Cleanup!
This is the big
change, and it required a lot of work to get right. Previously, you
could spend dice to complete a row / section anywhere in play, and
immediately those dice went to the supply, and whatever thing you
did was resolved immediately. This was neat, but also confusing -
the #1 issue we had in live demos was people not clearing away dice,
getting confused on what was spent and what was still available to
use, and that was with me looking over someone's shoulder to correct
them! It was surely going to be a big issue for folks at home,
unless everyone invited me over to watch (No, do not do this, not
only is it 2020 and I can't visit, but also...that is too many
Instead, we've moved all resolution to the
end-of-turn Cleanup Phase. During the Action Phase, you place dice
everywhere, much like One Deck Dungeon, basically trying to fill as
many things as you can, spread across 4 Galaxy cards, the Starbase
(the starbase?! See #2 below), and the Adversary Confrontation card.
This has the benefit of being able to visually see all the progress
you're making in one turn, and it also gets back to the ODD feeling
where you can rearrange dice and puzzle out just how to do things
best. During the Cleanup Phase, there is now a Resolve Step where
you look at cards one-by-one, gain the benefits of filling
rows/sections, and then remove the dice to the supply.
Overall, It's much simpler, and the core game loop is
1/2) Game Maintenance stuff (Adversary/Discovery)
3) Do all the things you can with your dice.
4) Gain the
benefits of doing all those things.
Obviously, this required a lot of rebalancing of
individual Location and Encounter cards, so that the rewards you
gain from them properly reflects the amount of effort required to
complete them. So there're number changes across the board. Hurray!.
2) The Starbase, Science, and Fleets
We have combined
the Research Lab and Fleet Logistics cards into one large card: The
Starbase. Your Starbase starts at Class 1, and you can spend science
to upgrade it all the way to Class 4. Upgrading the Starbase makes
the conversions from dice to fleets/science better, but it also
gives you access to Starbase Discs each turn. What are they, you
ask? A new gameplay concept, which has made paying Fleet + Science
costs make more sense, and also fit in line with the changes
described above.
Now, all Fleet/Science costs are
represented in blue rings. To fill a ring, you pay the cost, and
place a Starbase Disc on it, which remains there until Cleanup. A
Class 1 Starbase has one Starbase Disc - so you can only pay one
Fleet/Science cost per turn! Upgrading your Starbase allows you to
do more, and is now a more crucial part of your infrastrucure.
with the changes to allow each row to only be filled once per turn,
the various rows on the Starbase are much more interesting - and as
they improve, it has a bigger impact on how quickly you can build up
Fleets/Science, especially for confronting the Adversary.
3) Continued Adversary Revisions
One of the biggest goals with the Adversaries is to make
them unique (so every game feels different) but not so complicated
that running their actions feels like a chore. We've streamlined the
Adversary Events for each, and now 100% of the rules for each
Adversary live on a double-sided Adversary Reference card, that sits
in play all game (some Events add rules to the Reference card,
tucking underneath!)
Very excited to get all of these changes in place. The print and play PDF is updated, and the current files are also available for play on Tabletop Simulator
Change Log (v0.98)
Goal: Game Length + Complexity
One of our top goals with
One Deck Galaxy is to have a good mix of strategy and accessibility.
Our last version was over-complicated in some ways, and was also
taking longer to play than we'd like - so we've made adjustments to
get that playtime down to the 30-60 minute range where it belongs.
We've also streamlined mechanics and explanations in ways that don't
significantly affect depth but do make things much more easy to
explain and understand.
1) "Federation Level"
Previously, as you completed
Milestones, you tracked the number of Federation Tokens you'd placed
on to your Society and Homeworld (previously "Civilization") mats,
and there was a table on your Society Card that told you how that
affected your Colony Limit and how many times you could confront the
Adversary. We've unified this into a single concept called
Federation Level. Now, your Society Card has a
track where all your Federation Discs live. It has numbers
1-2-3-4-5, with the 1 visible at game start and 2-5 covered by
discs. As you remove discs to place them on completed Milestones,
you'll see your current Federation Level increase.
Federation Level is used in several places. Your Society
Special Tech still improves as your level increases, now with a
basic level, and better versions at Level 3 and Level 5. Your
Homeworld card shows your Colony Limit (1P: Fed Level x2, 2P: Fed
Level +1). The Adversary Confrontation cards now specifically list
the Fed Level required for each confrontation. Finally, many
Adversary's Defeat conditions (the things that make you lose!) now
directly reference Fed Level. By tying all of these concepts to one
easily visible stat on your Society card, your progression is a lot
more visibly clear, in a similar way to Experience Level in One Deck
2) Grouped Milestones
In previous iterations, we tried
to give each Society a varied set of milestones. This wound up being
less satisfying than it would have seemed, and took away a sense of
direction or knowlege of how to progress. In v.98, each Society has
three Milestones, escalating difficulties of the same concept. For
example, the 2P Builders have milestones for total dice value of 35,
45, 55 in their dice pool. This gives the Builders a clear goal:
Their Federation Level increases as they gain dice, and techs that
let them increase to high dice values.
This is one of
the areas we'll be working on most for number balance, as it's a
fairly fresh concept.
3) Adversary Reform
Adversaries felt a little too
same-y, and we want them to feel uniquely threatening! So we
reworked lots of their abilities and victory conditions, and created
the Adversary Event system. This replaces the messy Reshuffle token
/ phase. Now, when you start the game, you shuffle the Adversary's
5-card Event Deck, and place it face-down underneath the Galaxy Deck
(where the Stairs card would go in ODD.) Every time you reshuffle,
the top event occurs (at the end of the current phase - no more
instant interruptions!). Each Adversary's events are very different,
and reflect their unique abilities and means of interrupting your
Adversary Confrontation also went through a change -
instead of placing tokens onto the Adversary, you'll be removing
them from a track much like the Federation Level track. You'll still
claim victory by confronting the Adversary 4 times, but now it's
much clearer how that happens. The Confrontation cards now sit
directly to the right of the Adversary card, with boxes that line up
directly to the tokens you need to remove.
4) New Cards!
We've expanded the deck from 36 to 40 cards. Hurray
5) Homeworlds + Graphic Design
"Civilization" cards are now Homeworld Cards! As such,
they have lush backgrounds depicting the homeworlds of your favorite
Insulan Aliens. It's all very pretty. With the change to Milestones
and Federation Level, we've revamped the look of the
Homeworld+Society cards and they're really sleek now.
Change Log (v0.96)
1) Resources!
In the last version, Resources were
entirely used for accomplishing Milestones. Now, Resources are
valuable because they make some of your Techs more powerful as you
progress through the game. Civilizations also start with some
2) Tech Overhaul - The Techs in the first Beta version were very
straightforward, to test balance levels mostly. Every tech has
changed, and instead of 18 duplicated techs there are now 32
different ones available (and they have names!).
-Resource Techs
[FORCE REACTOR]: Roll [Y]. if you
have 4 [FUEL], also gain [Y-6]
Increase [#PLANTS] different dice by 1.
-Spendy Techs
x 2] to add O to each Location.
Resource Techs provide ways for techs to grow in power
over the course of play. Some get better after reaching a resource
threshold, others increase gradually as you accumulate resources.
This gives more meaning to which Locations you go after (and who
gets them, in a 2P situation).
Spendy Techs give clear ways to spend Fleets and Science
for benefits. Costs are always in the text of the tech now.
3) Adversaries
Simplified the Neeble-Woobers Escalate to not involve
the # of dice rolled, just an effect for each color. Also changed
the way they steal colonies - no longer from the top of the deck!
Instead, they take the card in play with the most icons. You now
have some control over it, but it's also a bit nastier in some
The Hungry Nebula's hard side has had its numbers
increased, and also when you defeat its' Adversary Encounters, they
are discarded instead of exiled.
4) Duplicate Locations
If you draw a location or encounter that is already in
play (or multiple Adv Encounters), it is discarded and a new card is
drawn. This ensures a bit more board variety.
5) Reshuffle Phase / Token
Reshuffle interrupting actions was a bit of a timing
debacle. Instead, when it's time to reshuffle you do so immediately,
and place a Reshuffle Token on the Adversary. At the end of any
phase, if there's a Reshuffle Token, you remove it and then do the
Adversary's Reshuffle effects. So basically, the bad stuff just
waits a little bit.
Importantly - if you need to place the Reshuffle token
and it's already on the Adversary, you lose the game immediately.
You have to be careful once the deck is small - time is running out!
6) Colony / Adv Disc Limit
These tables have been updated. The early part of the
game is a bit more forgiving for Colonies, because it wasn't quite
interesting enough to start the game with a limit of 1. Also,
specified that if you are at your Colony Limit, you can discard a
Colony to claim a new one.